I've studied the issue of "who is the 'faithful and discreet slave' " at length. Cedars and I even put a min-survey on JWSurvey.org asking this specific question (BTW - that survey is still open). http://jwsurvey.org/mini-surveys/mini-survey-who-is-the-faithful-and-discreet-slave
Steven Unthanks' legal case in Victoria, Au named the "faithful and discreet slave" as a possible defendant, but the Watchtower legal eagle came back and indicated that the FDS is not a real person, group, or legal entity, but only "a theological concept." That was a lie.
As I read through recent Watchtower literature, I can see that the FDS is presented as someone to obey and to listen to in all things. Just how do you "obey" or "listen to" a theological concept? Is this some new evolutionary development unknown to science, a walking, talking, and writing "concept"?
Looking at all of the evidence, to use the Watchtower's favorite phrase, it's "evident" that when the Watchtower uses the term "faithful and discreet slave" they are talking about "the organization" based in the state of New York, United States of America. The FDS does not reside in branch offices in the UK, Australia, Europe, or South America - only in New York, USA. The FDS may be spread around equally between Patterson, Wallkill, Brooklyn and other locations in New York, but other than maybe a small chunk that has taken up residence in Canada, the FDS exists no where else in the world.
The "FDS" has become synonomous with what Catholics call "the Church." To Catholics, "the Church" is not a specific building (not even in the Vatican), nor a specific person (not even the Pope), or a group of church leaders. While the term "the Church" can be applied to the membership as a whole, the common Catholic is not thinking of human beings, or buildings, or some level of the hierarchy. "The Church" is the Roman Catholic Church! Simple as that.
When you try to define who the FDS is that Jehovah's Witnesses are to follow, the concept becomes even more muddled. "No," the Watchtower says, the FDS is not individual living members of the Anointed (9,000 and growing!), nor the officers of the New York or Pennsylvania corporations, or the Writing Department (most of the writers are not anointed, but rather "other sheep" like the rest of us).
The Governing Body of 7 older men who claim to be of the anointed class state that they "only represent the FDS" by presenting its teachings and guidance to the flock (rank and file).
So exactly how does this work? How does the Governing Body know exactly what the FDS wants them to do? The most obvious answer is that they "talk to their hands" or simply pull it out of their collective asses. Maybe they have a little old man sitting in a closet yelling through a megaphone whenever he is "inspired." So just how can a "theological concept" give direction to a bunch of old men?
Let's face it: The FDS is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The FDS is the Watchtower's "the Church." Since a "corporation" is a legal entity and has certain powers and purposes as defined by its charter and the votes of its board of directors, in the USA a corporation is "a person" who can act in the best interests of "its stockholders." (Just ask Mitt Romney - "...corporations are people too!")
So the Watchtower legal department lied to the Australian courts when they stated that the FDS "was a theological concept." It's not. It is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Societies of New York and Pennsylvania who have taken it upon themselves and appointed and anointed themselves as the "faithful and discreet slave."